Monday, November 26, 2018

The author gives a message in a story

Jamaica Tag-Along by Juanita Havill

After listening answer the following questions:

-What happens when Jamaica wants to play ball with her brother and his friends?
-What happens when the little boy, Berto, wants to build a sandcastle with Jamaica?
-What does Jamaica learn at the end of the story?
-What do you think the author wants you to learn from reading this story?

The author uses what the characters say or do to give a message to the reader. What do you think the author´s message is in this book?

Now One Foot, Now The Other by Tomie de Paola

-What does Bobby´s grandfather help Bobby learn when he is a baby?
-After his grandfather gets sick, what does Bobby help him learn him how to do?
-What do you think the author wants you to learn about families from this story?
-What is his message about families?

Going Places by Peter and Paul Reynolds

-What does the author want you to learn from reading this story?